Primary care Physicians specializing in weight loss  Brooklyn

Weight loss Consultation

Gotta loose the extra!!

Primary care Physicians specializing in Weight Loss near Brooklyn

Primary care physicians specializing in weight loss are medical professionals who possess a deep understanding of the complexities of weight management and its impact on overall health. They bring together medical expertise and personalized care to provide comprehensive weight loss strategies that cater to each individual's unique circumstances.

Clinical weight reduction is a doctor-managed program that depends on a patient's special clinical necessities, health fitness profile, weight reduction objectives, and different variables for improved results and ideal long-haul achievement. Clinical get-healthy plans normally include a smart dieting program that depends on a patient's dietary necessities to address fundamental lacks that can bring about overeating or different issues that can obstruct weight reduction.

Prior to starting a clinical health improvement plan, a thorough exam and actual test are proceeded as well as blood testing and other lab work, to confirm the program is custom-made to the patient's necessities and way of life.

Best Weight Loss Consultation Program for weight loss

Dr. Sharmeen Sultana, MD, is your trusted Physician on your journey to a healthier you through our Weight Loss Program Consultation. With a specialization in primary care, Dr. Sultana brings a wealth of experience and expertise to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Our program is designed to be comprehensive and tailored to your unique needs. Dr. Sultana and her office staff will work closely with you, providing guidance, support, and a personalized plan to ensure you make sustainable progress towards a healthier weight. Whether you're aiming for a significant transformation or just want to shed a few pounds, Dr. Sultana's Weight Loss Program Consultation is your first step towards a healthier, happier life. Share your path with us today by making an appointment and discover the unique benefits of individualized attention and professional guidance.

Sharmeen Sultana, MD Specializing in Primary Care and weight loss Consultation

Sharmeen Sultana MD PLLC Health Care is a Clinic where the medical weight loss management program is available. It is situated in the neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Sharmeen Sultana is an enthusiastic family medicine, weight reduction-trained professional, and obesity medication expert who comes with positive energy, motivating every one of her patients to better themselves.

Weight Loss: Primary care physician vs Dietician

In the pursuit of weight loss, individuals often grapple with the decision of whether to consult a primary care physician or a dietitian. While both professionals play integral roles, their approaches differ. A primary care physician, typically well-versed in overall health and medical conditions, can provide a comprehensive assessment of weight-related issues. They may uncover underlying health concerns, prescribe medications if necessary, and offer guidance on lifestyle changes. On the other hand, a dietitian specializes in nutrition and can offer tailored dietary plans, addressing specific weight loss goals. The collaboration between a primary care physician and a dietitian can be synergistic, ensuring a holistic approach to weight management that encompasses both medical and nutritional aspects, promoting optimal health and well-being.

Best Weight Loss Consultation Program For Women

When it comes to choose the best weight loss programs for women, Sharmeen Sultana MD stands out as a trusted choice. We understand that women have unique health and weight loss needs, and our programs are specifically designed to address those needs comprehDr. Sharmeen Sultana, our dedicated primary care physician, has a specialization in assisting women in safely and efficiently reaching their weight loss objectives.

Our weight loss programs for women encompass a holistic approach to health, taking into account factors like hormonal balance, lifestyle, and individual goals. Dr. Sultana and her team will work in close collaboration with you to craft a personalized weight loss plan that perfectly aligns with your body and your preferences. Whether you're looking to shed post-pregnancy weight, manage menopause-related changes, or simply enhance your overall well-being, our programs provide the guidance, support, and expert advice you need.

What sets our programs apart is the emphasis on sustainable, long-term results. Education is a top priority for us, as we believe in empowering you with the knowledge and tools necessary to sustain your weight loss accomplishments in the long run.Our team will be there every step of the way, offering guidance, monitoring progress, and adjusting your program as needed. If you're searching for the best weight loss program for women that combines personalized care, expert guidance, and lasting results, look no further than Sharmeen Sultana MD. Your transformative journey begins right here.

Schedule your weight-loss consultation Program online today

Make an online appointment for the weight loss consultation program and take the first step towards achieving your health and fitness goals. At Sharmeen Sultana MD, we understand that everyone's weight loss needs are unique, and that's why we offer personalized weight loss consultation programs. Our primary care physician, Dr. Sharmeen Sultana, specializes in weight loss, helping individuals achieve their goals through evidence-based strategies and compassionate support. When you choose our weight loss consultation program, you're choosing a path to better health.

Dr. Sultana and her team will work closely with you to assess your current health, discuss your weight loss objectives, and create a customized plan that fits your specific needs. Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds for improved energy or embark on a significant weight transformation, our comprehensive program covers a range of strategies, from dietary guidance and exercise planning to ongoing monitoring and support. We prioritize your comfort and convenience, offering the flexibility to schedule your weight loss consultation online at a time that suits you.

We believe that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is not just about aesthetics; it's about feeling your best and reducing the risk of obesity-related health conditions.

Reasonable Medical Weight Loss Consultant Center in Brooklyn

Our get-healthy weight loss plans are destined to be reasonable for your financial plan. Specials comprise a primary clinical weight reduction assessment with a learned weight reduction expert as well as fat-consuming injections, professionally prescribed drugs to assist you with getting in good body shape quickly, and a free subsequent meeting with an expert at our weight loss center in Brooklyn. If you prepare to start your weight reduction mission, call us today at 718.759.6015 or move to Sharmeen Sultana MD. PLLC, 1414A Newkirk Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226.

Why is it urgent to lose weight in the weight management program?

Getting in shape after losing weight as a feature of weight management is significant on the grounds that weighing a lot isn't great for your health. The almost all useful way to get extra fit is to have less energy and get in touch with routine activity.
Go for the leisurely, consistent weight reduction. Losing even a limited extent of weight can bring down your risk of medical conditions. Ask your dietitian, nutritionist, or medical services advisor about a weight reduction objective that is ideal for you.

Needs to consume nutritious food

• With regards to getting lose weight, scarcely any weight reduction doctor prevents the significance of getting sustenance.
• The doctor has faith in utilizing all-normal techniques to assist patients with battling those particular desires that have prompted the weight gain in any case.
• Our best weight loss doctor shows about nourishment and how to go with a better selection for your body.

You should comprise the following in your weight loss program:

(a)Nourishing Counseling
The present significant medical care issues are progressively the consequence of intense and ongoing situations connected with poor nutrition. Nourishment advice can give hindrance of sustenance-related conditions like the requirement for weight management.
Nourishment guidance is a continuous cycle wherein a registered Dietitian/Nutritionist works with a person to evaluate their standard dietary consumption and distinguish regions where change is required. The sustenance advocate gives data, instructional materials, support, and follow-up care to help the separate make and keep up with the required dietary changes. Rolling out dietary improvements is an ongoing procedure.

(b)Food Strategy
The principles are basic.
• You should simply begin eating the right food.
• In any case, take an ideal food culture and dietary inclinations.

( c) Remedy: Appetite Suppressants
Appetite suppressants are drugs intended to check hunger and, thus, assist you in getting thinner. You might have known about one more medication the FDA has endorsed to treat obesity called orlistat, yet it's anything but a hunger suppressant. There are additional supplements that claim to be appetite suppressants. There aren't any over-the-counter appetite suppressant medicines that have been supported by the FDA.
Individually, one-on-one directing, additionally called individual advising or psychotherapy, can assist people with finding out about their temperaments, sentiments, contemplations, and ways of behaving.

What is a bariatric doctor?

A bariatrician is a clinical weight reduction specialist who works in the treatment of fatness and its related circumstances. A bariatrician can help check and, all the more significantly, invert obesity-related sicknesses by decreasing the physical shape-to-fat ratio liable for the illness processes while keeping up with bulk.

How are board-acknowledged bariatricians trained?

All bariatricians are board-certified in no less than one field, moreover weight reduction. For instance, a specialist who gives youth obesity help might be board-ensured in family medication moreover bariatric medication.
Our doctor is ready to give you service in Brooklyn for your major complications due to obesity and distressful movements that make you feel you are not in sound physical condition. At this event, you will visit our specialist, Dr. Sharmeen Sultana, MD, who is a family physician and private practice professional and who is affiliated with New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. She was a certified weight-loss consultant.

Book Weight loss Physicians appointment specializing in Primary care at the location:

Sharmeen Sultana MD, PLLC, 
1414A Newkirk Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Contact No:718.759.6015


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Primary care Physicians specializing in weight loss Brooklyn

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9AM – 6PM
9AM – 5PM
9AM – 4PM
9AM – 6PM
9AM – 4PM
9AM – 2PM

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Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A primary care physician specializing in weight loss is a medical professional who focuses on helping individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight through personalized treatment plans, lifestyle modifications, and medical interventions.
Sharmeen Sultana MD create tailored weight loss plans based on individual health needs, medical history, and goals. We offer guidance on diet, exercise, behavior change, and may prescribe medications or recommend other medical interventions when necessary.
Yes, primary care physicians specializing in weight loss have additional training and expertise in managing weight-related issues. While regular primary care doctors provide general healthcare, weight loss specialists have a specific focus on weight management.
Primary Care physicians like Sharmeen Sultana MD offer comprehensive services such as personalized weight loss plans, nutritional counseling, exercise recommendations, monitoring progress, addressing underlying health conditions, and providing ongoing support.
Yes, A Primary care physician can help a wide range of individuals, from those looking to lose a few pounds to those with obesity-related health issues. They customize their approach to suit the individual circumstances of each patient.
During your first visit, Sharmeen Sultana MD will conduct a thorough medical evaluation, discuss your weight loss goals, review your medical history, and possibly order some tests. Subsequently, they will formulate a customized plan tailored to your specific needs.
Absolutely. These physicians can design medical weight loss programs that may include prescription medications, meal replacements, and other interventions for individuals who need more intensive assistance.
The frequency of your visits is contingent on both your individual plan and the progress you make. In the beginning, visits might be more frequent, and then they will be spaced out as you make progress.
Certainly. Numerous weight loss specialists offer continuous support to assist individuals in sustaining their weight loss and incorporating lasting lifestyle modifications
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Office Hours
9AM – 6PM
9AM – 5PM
9AM – 4PM
9AM – 6PM
9AM – 4PM
9AM – 2PM