How can You make a same-day appointment with a Pain Management Doctor in Brooklyn?

Here at Sharmeen Sultana MD PLLC, you can book an appointment, and see the Pain management specialist within 24 hours. Same-day appointments are available here, just fill up the appointment form and send it or Give us a call at  718.759.6015.

Is there Brooklyn Pain Management Doctor is Board-Certified?

Yes, our Pain Management Specialist  Dr. Bryan Elzholz is a board-certified pain specialist. The doctor of pain management is board qualified in anesthesiology and pain medicine and graduated from the University Of Illinois College Of Medicine in Chicago. We are experts in pain management, making us uniquely suited to provide accurate diagnoses and advanced-stage therapies.

Why have I been able to my pain at Sharmeen Sultana MD PLLC Health center?

In a compassionate setting, we provide top-grade pain issue assessment and treatment at the Sharmeen Sultana MD PLLC Comprehensive Pain Center. Our operator has gained specialized training to serve painful injuries, diseases, and complicated ailments.

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Office Hours
9AM – 6PM
9AM – 5PM
9AM – 4PM
9AM – 6PM
9AM – 4PM
9AM – 2PM